Do you ever look up to the sky and think about how infinite and mysterious the universe is? The endless questions that can be explored that rest just above our heads.
We at Vow Studio can’t answer those questions however, we do want to explore the relationship between the universe and what is found right here on earth, flora.
All the pieces in this collection are inspired by our love of the universe and the bold colours found in all spaces around us, especially in nature. The dampening of these natural bright hues in winter, motivated us to bring it back through our collection for all seasons.
Our signature original style that has appeared throughout all of our collections has continued; countless pieces feature Vow Studio’s exclusive print and pattern design hope to uplift and inspire during these uncertain times.
Our goal is to create a collection that is versatile for every single day and all occasions. This collection offers pieces that are of outstanding quality, size inclusivity, and durable material that has been selected to meet our high expectations and standards that remain for countless seasons.
We remain passionate about sustainable fashion and each limited made piece from our collection has been made with love and care.
Be in awe by the universe and flora you’re surrounded by, bloom with the perfect amount of vibrant colours when dressed in our Floral Universe Winter collection.
By Vow Studio.